Thinking about saying Goodbye to our beloved fur-babies hurts the heart, so of course we would like to avoid it at all costs. However, the Goodbye is inevitable and you want to be prepared when that day comes.
What do you want to happen with their body? Does your family want to have a Farewell service so everyone can have sufficient time to say goodbye. Do you want to get any keepsakes, such as a 3D paw print? These are all questions you don’t want to have to answer in a split second while you’re in the middle of grieving.
This is why planning ahead for that inevitable goodbye is so important. Not doing so can lead to regrets later on and nobody wants that.
Some Benefits on planning ahead:
You will know what your options are. Many pet parents do not know there are alternatives to cremation and burial now available. Your Vet may not know either so it’s best to do your own research instead of relying on someone else’s knowledge.
It protects your family from making the tough choices while you may be in shock and grieving the loss.
You will have plenty of time to think about what you really want for your fur-baby’s afterlife care. Aquamation, Cremation or Burial? Farewell service or not? Any keepsakes? There are many questions to be answered.
You will be able to determine what your budget is and what services/options will fit into that budget.
If you decide to have a Farewell service, you will have time to figure out where you want the service to be held. At home, your fur-baby’s favourite park, or a funeral home?
Most importantly, it can help prevent regrets after the fact.
The best thing you can do for your beloved fur-baby’s afterlife care is to plan ahead.
Thankfully you don’t have to do this alone. Give Pet to Nature Canada a call at (825) 561-0879 and we will help you make these arrangements.
